Quotes from Anne Marie's Prayer Journal


Quotes from Anne Marie's Prayer Journal
Anne Marie's Complete Prayer Journal

I pray that people see God’s love through me and that they are called to grow closer to God because they see me, that is the person I aspire to be.
Prayer Journal: Page 39

Prayer Journal: Page 87

Prayer Journal: Page 10

Don’t let fear guide my life. Trust in God. Don’t compare ourselves to others. God doesn’t care about that!
Prayer Journal: Page 112

Prayer Journal: Page 95

I just need to turn my chair around and run into God’s loving arms which are always open for me to come home. I want to be home.
Prayer Journal: Page 88

Jesus loves everyone, – even the lowly. Am I always like that? Even if someone is “unpopular” or I do not want to be associated with them just because they are uncool or annoying? Wouldn’t I be putting myself above Jesus? If they don’t deserve my mercy, do I deserve God’s? Do I guard my heart the way God wants me in terms of relationships? I can be patient during this time and instead let God strengthen my heart and soul. I will be much happier if I fully trust in God.
Prayer Journal: Page 83

Think about being with Jesus for eternity, with God and Mary and all the angels and saints. When pondering eternity, I wonder also, how I would want to live my life – I only have one chance to be merciful, thankful, grateful, kind, loving, caring; every reflection of Jesus, I should strive for. Then I think of how much Jesus sacrificed for me. His passion, his crucifixion, his death was all so that I may experience eternity with him, because he loves me. With that in my subconscious, I can find the motivation I’ve been looking for towards a life of holiness.
Prayer Journal: Page 70

I feel sad from yesterday. It is unfulfilling to have spent so much time and energy into something not as rewarding. I need to focus on my faith more, because growing closer to God is the only way for me to be happy.
Prayer Journal: Page 49

I don’t want to focus and obsess over my flaws, but at the same time I’d like to make myself the best version I can be. None of that is possible without my faith.
Prayer Journal: Page 87

Am I thirsting for the Holy Spirit? Am I drinking from the well that leaves me unsatisfied? How can I open my heart to let God in me, to quench my thirst? Lord, guide me with patience through this week
Prayer Journal: Page 63

Keep in mind that we are sinners, we accept that. I make mistakes. I am not perfect. Proclaim that so some may come to know Jesus, who offers our sinfulness salvation and mercy.
Prayer Journal: Page 104

Jesus says I am enough. He says we all are, no matter what the wrong we’ve committed. I should do likewise.
Prayer Journal: Page 89

You do not have to change anything in your life for God to love you.
Prayer Journal: Page 91

I want to be like Mother Theresa and when I talk to someone, have them be the most important, only person in the world.
Prayer Journal: Page 95

I can’t wait for heaven!
Prayer Journal: Page 107

God does not change. I want God to change me, who I am.
Prayer Journal: Page 118

Lord, help me to abandon my own will and abandon my own possessions. I pray that you will help me trust in you and guide me to your kingdom, which no amount of earthly value can compare. Keep my mind and my heart fixed on Heaven.
Prayer Journal: Page 133

Mary is always ready to embrace me. Her arms are always reached out in a hug…Mary is the Queen of Heaven. Mary is with me all the time. She will always comfort me… Will embracing authentic femininity help with fulfilling the role as a Daughter of God, the role Mary set?
Prayer Journal: Page 94

Life can be too short, and people can be taken from you at any moment, so I need to make sure I show love towards everyone and everything.
Prayer Journal: Page 44